Saturday 28 September 2013

How to Use Honey for Beautiful Skin and Hair

Honey is a well known beauty product among natural beauty experts. Honey is a perfect ingredient for cleansers, masks, hair products and more. The benefits of honey range from a spot treatment for blemishes to helping the skin retain moisture.

Things You'll Need
Honey Liquid soap Dried milk Water Dried apricots Witch hazel Lemon juice Egg yolk Olive oil

Mix equal parts of honey and a mild liquid soap for a facial and body cleanser. Because honey is high in potassium, it is excellent for fighting bacteria and impurities in the skin.

Take an electric blender and blend 1 tbsp. of honey, 1 tbsp. of dried milk, 1/4 cup of water and 1/4 cup of dried apricots to create a rejuvenating facial mask. Leave on the face for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. These combined ingredients brighten and moisturize the skin.

Combine 1 tbsp. of honey, 2 tbsp. of witch hazel and 1 tsp. of lemon juice to make a pore refining facial toner. Let it sit for a few days before using to allow the honey to lose its stickiness. Keep the toner refrigerated.

Mix 1 tbsp. of honey, 1 egg yolk and 1 tsp. of olive oil to make a nourishing hair conditioner. Use one to two times a week on hair that is brittle from dry weather conditions. Honey and lemon juice may have some highlighting effects, so keep this in mind when determining how frequently to use this conditioner.

Use 1/4 to 1/2 cup of pure honey, depending on hair length, as a hair mask to restore color, body and shine. Wrap honey-saturated hair in plastic and leave on for 25 minutes.

Oily hair? Problem solved!

Okay, now here comes all the worries of dealing with oily hair, as the weather has once again shifted into a new season which leads to a need of change in our regimens. Hair is a precious beauty asset that demands special care. So why not get started by adding some of these simple masks to our regimen that will help you maintain healthy looking hair, even in the warm season?

Whether you have naturally oily hair or it reacts to this season, this post is here to help you.

Why does our hair tend to become so oily and unattractive? Most of the time it is simply caused by frequent exposure to dust and dirt and/or overactive oil glands. Even over brushing can be the culprit, so if you are one that always wants every hair in a specific place, try to cut down on using a brush, if possible. This specific hair type requires proper washing regularly because it not, it make your hair appear greasy and dull, which I am pretty sure nobody wants.

Yogurt Egg Mask:

If you were to look at the list of benefits underneath "yogurt" you would be amazed on how far you would have to scroll to get to the end. It has been used in beauty care over and over, and once again, we get the chance to use it today. Yogurt has amazing benefits that when used with egg yolk it will condition and will help make your hair healthier and luscious.

All your going to do is combine 1 egg with 1/2 a cup of yogurt and mix in a bowl. Add this mixture to already washed hair and leave it on for 40 minutes. Rinse out with lukewarm water and you are done, easy right?

To enhance the benefits of this mask you can also add a teaspoon of baking soda to further cut down the oils in your hair.

Lemon Yogurt Mask:

Get out your yogurt again and add 5 tablespoons in a bowl, from there add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, mix the ingredients together.

Apply the mixture to your hair, concentrating on the roots (as this is the place it tends to be the greasiest) and leave it on for 40 minutes. Rinse the mask out and enjoy the benefits!

Basic mask:

Beat 1 egg white until it foams, add 1 tablespoon of salt and the juice of 1 lemon. Apply it to your hair for 30 minutes, rinse and wash as normal.

Protein mask:

Beat an egg white well and add in 1 teaspoon of salt and mix until a thick foam is formed. Pour the juice of 1 lemon and beat again. Rub the mask into your scalp and massage it in well. Leave for 30 minutes then rinse with cold water.

Rosemary Rinse:

This is a simple treatment that can be used to control the oil production of your scalp and get rid of your oily hair.

Grab a small amount of rosemary and keep it handy. In a bowl pour 3 cups of hot water, set the rosemary in the water and let it steep in the water for 10 minutes.

Strain the mixture and eliminate the rosemary from the rinse. Wash your hair with shampoo as usual and rinse off your hair with this healthy mixture, and you are done. Told you it was simple.

Vinegar rinse:

Now I know when you saw the title of this rinse it sounds very scary, and you would think "wouldn't that hurt your hair, its pretty strong?"

This is actually one of the best rinses for oily hair. Take a glass (the larger the glass for the more hair you have) and fill 3/4 of the way up with vinegar. Fill it the rest of the way up with lemon juice.

After you are done washing your hair in the shower, dump this rinse on your hair and massage it in. Continue conditioning as normal.

these masks are sure to help you through this hot season and enable you to enjoy your summer that much more. Who wants to deal with oily hair? Not me, and now you don't have to either.

Simple Home Remedies To Remove Tan from Hands

Remedy 2:
Take a cucumber and cut it into two halves. Now grate the half cucumber and keep it in a bowl. Now add 2tbsp milk or milk powder and few drops of lemon juice to it. Mix well. Apply till it gets dried up. Wash with normal water. Applying this weekly will give you best results.

Remedy 3:
Cut tomato into two halves. Rub the inner side of tomato on the skin, so that the seeds and juice come in contact with the skin, helping you get rid of tanned skin.

Remedy 4:
Almonds are also very good at removing tan from hands. Take 5-10 fresh and green almonds and grind them. Mix this paste with 5 drops of sandalwood oil. Apply this paste on the affected area. If fresh almonds aren’t available, then take almonds and soak them overnight. Now grind them next morning and follow the same procedure as you did for the fresh almonds.

Remedy 5:
Take the pulp of mashed papaya. Try rubbing it on the tanned area. This massage also helps in curing the tanned skin.

Remedy 6:
Turmeric is a natural skin care product that is capable of curing almost all common skin problems. Take turmeric and mix it with lemon juice. Stir well. Now add 1 tbsp of raw milk to it. Apply this on your hands and let it stay there till it gets dried up. Thereafter, wash it with cold water to see the visible results.

Remedy 7:
This remedy is the easiest and can be applied anywhere and everywhere. Just take lemon juice, apply it directly on your hands. Let it stay for 15 minutes. Now wash it off with cold water.

Just follow any of these simple home remedies to remove tan. But it is also very important to take care of your skin so that it is safe from sun’s rays.

Important and basic suggestions to prevent Sun tan:
1. Cover your hands properly before stepping out in the sun to avoid direct impact
2. If you can’t cover them, then apply a good sunscreen to keep the skin protected.
3. Drink lots of water. This also helps you to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out, thus reducing the risk of skin drying.

Home Remedies for Sunburn – 4 Natural Solutions

As summer hits the nation, sunburn presents itself as an unwanted side effect of extensive sun exposure. What you may not have heard, however, is the fact that sunburn can actually be fought off by changing your diet to incorporate more ‘living’ fruit and vegetables that are rich in both enzymes and essential nutrients. In addition, a number of natural home remedies for sunburn also exist that can be utilized to help soothe and treat any case of sunburn that has already affected you. From a simple enriched bath to revitalizing foods, many options exist to help alleviate the pain associated with sunburn. Here are 4 home remedies for sunburn.

1. Home remedies for Sunburn – Apply Aloe Vera
The aloe vera plant is widely revered for its skin-enhancing and protecting qualities, and is therefore highly recommended by a number of practicioners for the treatment and alleviation of sunburn and related issues. Taking the sting and redness out of your sunburn, aloe vera naturally accomplishes this through its ability to constrict blood vessels. Amazingly, this plant is widely available throughout the world and can be purchased at your local nursery or market. You can also purchase high quality organic aloe vera juice online for a relatively inexpensive price. Aloe vera juice is also quite delicious when sold in beverage form, and can help to bolster your overall health.

2. Alleviate Sunburn with Tea
A lesser known way of fighting sunburn includes using chilled tea – black tea in particular, as it is known for its ability to help the body recover more quickly from sunburn. After chilling a cup of black tea, gently apply the liquid to the affected area. You may also use cooled chamomile tea, which is also useful for poison ivy and other skin conditions.

3. Super Hydrate
Water is not only instrumental in achieving peak health levels, but proves useful in alleviating sunburn as well. When the sun ‘burns’ your skin, it also dehydrates it. Be sure to drink plenty of water — not ‘fluids’ — in order to hydrate and feel better. Coconut water is also very effective as an alternative, which come with a number of benefits. As a rule of thumb, try drinking your body weight divided in half in ounces of water per day (for example a 200 lb man would drink 100 ounces). Another tip is to hydrate until your urine is mostly clear (which is not very applicable if you are taking a vitamin supplement beforehand however).

4. The Potato Technique
Among the great pain-relieving home remedies for sunburn, the time-tested potato technique involves cutting two washed potatoes into chunks and placing them in a blender. Afterwards, blend until the potatoes reach a liquid form. You can always add water if this is a challenge. Once completed, apply the new concoction to the burned areas and follow it up with a cool shower. You can even apply the mixture to a clean gauze and then directly apply it to the burn. Continuing for a few days, pain relief should be experienced in conjunction with overall improvement.

In addition to these home remedies for sunburn, you can also try natural sunburn treatment through certain foods like carrots, watermelon, and cucumbers.

Sunday 8 September 2013

Give your nails time to breathe

Our nails are as important as any other part of our body and should have the same attention as other parts such as the face.

Many people remember to go for facials and massage but forget to go for a manicure and pedicure. Chipped nails are a bad turnoff and so is having flaked paint. So how do you ensure that your nails also say positive things about you?

To begin with, it is advisable to have a manicure and pedicure every now and then. When having these ensure that you get them from a safe place.

You do not want to contract a disease when getting your nails done. It is advisable to have your own kit; this ensures that no one else is going to use your tools.

Remember items such as tweezers can spread diseases. If you do not have your kit ensure that the tools that they will use on you undergo sterilization.

There is a bad habit when it comes to attending to nails. Most people tend to bite away the long nails, not only is it a bad habit but also you could damage the

cuticles. So instead of biting away at your nails, use a nail clipper to clip out the nails bit by bit and then file them for that beautiful finish.

In addition, when it comes to clipping your nails and filing them give them a square finish rather than the round finish. This is because germs tend to hide at the corners of our nails and if you give them the round finish it will be hard to clean those corners.

The last rule to apply when it comes to attending your nails has to do with how long you keep the paint on your nails. It is not advisable to keep your nails painted always. Give them time to breathe to avoid ending up with discolored nails. Also use the best paint to avoid ruining your nails.

Valuable Tips For Smooth Skin

Our skin is the largest organ of our body and it does a lot of things, from protection from germs to keeping us warm.

It does so much that it grows weary, stretches and cracks as we grow old. But there are things that you can do for your skin to ensure it stays healthy and smooth.

To begin with let’s start with diet. Whatever you feed your body will reflect on your skin, healthy eating equals healthy skin.

So if you want to have that great looking skin then you have to cut on foods that’s are greasy and have cholesterol. Eat more of fruits and vegetables. This adds vitamins that are good for your health and skin.

The next big thing you can do for your skin is cleaning up your inside. Our body is 70% water and you have to keep supplying it with plenty of water. It is recommendable to take 8 glasses of water each day. This will help to clean out the toxins leaving you with a clear beautiful smooth skin so drink a lot of water and practice detoxification.

Also ensure that you get plenty of rest. Go to bed early and allow your skin to rejuvenate. When you get few hours of sleep your skin will look pale and tired. You will get those dark spots around your hours which are not a good sight. So sleep and let your skin cells rejuvenate.

Exfoliate now and then. Apply salicylic and glycol acid to get rid of dirt, oil, and dead cells. When the pores fill up with these they tend to look bigger. A daily exfoliation will ensure that your pores remain small. A dermatologist recommends that to keep the pore from getting bigger you should take care of the sunlight that you consume. Use sunscreen lotions to keep you from the harmful rays.