Sunday 25 August 2013

Tips on applying lipstick

There are so many different lipsticks available these days, it would be a shame to not wear them, and by not knowing how to wear them. There are different ways to wear different colors.

There are a few simple things you will need to have on hand to apply them properly. You will need the lipstick itself, a lip liner, a soft cloth or something similar, and a love for make-up.

The simplest trick is to line your lips with a lip liner, that is a shade or two darker, than the lipstick you are intending to wear. This will keep the lipstick from bleeding and staining your skin in the process.

If you want you can also choose a color that is lighter, or a different shade all together, but make sure that they go together. Like a red would do well with a maroon or a dark pink.

Then apply the lipstick evenly over the whole lips and take the soft cloth and blot it. To do this you simply put the cloth in between your lips and softly press one or two times or until you get the required shade you are after.

This is especially great if you are trying on a neon shade and don’t know how to apply it properly. Or, you apply more lipstick and do the same thing all over again to get the shade you want.

If required, put on a layer of lip balm about 15-20 minutes before and let it soak in, if you have dry lips, to soften them and to make sure the lipstick will not sink into the dry cracks of the lips, and making the dry cracks stand out.

Also, if you have very dry lips and have dry skin on them, you should take a scrub and wash your lips with the scrub before applying it.

Tips to Shape Eyebrows at Home

It’s not always required to thread your eyebrows, especially if the pain is too much for you, or your eyes or eyebrow area gets irritated after threading.

You can also do this if you are short on time or money. You can always tweeze and shape your own eyebrows at home.

You just need a few simple things. Tweezers are the first thing, and make sure you get a good pair, eyebrow stencil, this can be found on line, and some small scissors.

Also, you might want to have a small eyebrow brush and mirror handy. You will also need a steady hand, and patience.

First of all, take the eyebrow brush and the mirror and make sure all the hairs are straight and brush them towards the smaller part of the eyebrow.

Then take the eyebrow stencil, select the style you want, and put it up to the eyebrow, using the scissors, attempt to trace the shape, if possible.

Otherwise, cut the stencil as close to the edges as possible and then start pulling the hairs out bit by bit.

Keep doing twt, and if needed trim your eyebrows to meet the desired shape with the scissors. Keep your eyebrows as identically trimmed as possible.

Make sure that you also tweeze between the eyebrows and the eyelids to make sure that no hair stays behind to look strange. Once you are done, apply some face cream to the area to soothe it and moisturize it. This will help to keep the irritation and redness down, as well as dull the pain, if there is any.

Tips on Carrying off Bright Lipsticks

Picture this: you’re wearing a fantastic, bond shade of lipstick, and everyone is staring at you… but not in admiration but in horror.

You might not know it, but we have a fantastic selection of bright colors of lipsticks on offer, which you can wear, but with a bit of care before and after wearing.

So lets see how you can really make your face look beautiful and bright with a lipstick and not look awkward.

Check compatibility with skin color and face type – this means, your facial color should be compatible with the lipstick you are wearing.
If you have a fair face with pinkish tones, pink and purple tinged colors are bound to look better on you. If your skin tone is on the yellow side, then it is the opposite end of the spectrum – dark reds with yellow and orange tones would look brilliant on you.

Make a pale comparison- there are certain shades which needs to be worn carefully.
I have often checked certain colors against my skin tone and they look fine in general, but wash me out in pictures. So, check before you buy – is your lipstick too pale for your skin? This is especially important when it comes to bright pink, fuchsia, orange or peach shades.

Make yourself photo-perfect – if you are going to be photographed, take a few pictures of you wearing the lipstick beforehand to make sure your skin and face looks perfect when you wear the lipstick.
Otherwise you might look terrible in photos although you look alright in general after wearing the lipstick.

These are easy tips to carry off bright colors on your skin. You would love the way the colors will complement you if you remember them, and you would look amazing too!

Simple Tips to Control Long Hair

Every girl has heard the story of Rapunzel, the princess with the long tresses. Ever wonder exactly how she kept control of her really long hair? Well, here are a few tips to help you.

The first key to controlling long hair is by making sure you take care of it properly. Use hair oil if you feel the need, and find a good shampoo and conditioner, one that fits your kind of hair and its needs.

Find a brush that won’t pull your hair out every time you brush it. Let it air dry, and brush it again. I know, these steps are repeated over and over, but they are always the most important ones.

Next, find yourself some simple hair clips, the one with teeth, to pull your hair back. If you have thicker hair you will need to get the bigger ones, as you will find the smaller ones don’t hold near enough of your hair.

For those of you with thin hair, the smaller ones will be sufficient for your hair. Also, barrettes! If you have hair that is prone to falling out, these will become your new best friend. For those who don’t have that problem you can use bobby pins, as they keep your hair a bit better.

Hair bands are also a girl’s best friend. There are so many types these days, try them out and find out which one holds your hair better. Avoid the ones with the metal clasp that holds the band together, as hair has a tendency to get stuck in that and thus meaning you will have to pull the hair out to get the hair band out. There are a number of good products for those of you who have limp hair and want a bit of volume.

Tips on reducing hair fall

If you are like me, you are always finding hair everywhere, in the shower after washing your hair, in your hairbrush after brushing it. Ever wonder how to stop so much of hair fall? Well here a few simple tips to help you with this.

First of all, wash your hair every 3-4 days to make sure it stays clean. If your hair is clean it will be healthier. Now once you are out of the shower do not rub your hair dry with a towel, softly pat it dry and let it dry most of the way and then brush it out.

Don’t brush your hair when it’s just freshly wet, as that will cause it to break more.

When you are brushing your hair, brush lightly, don’t brush it hard. Don’t feel the need to pull the hair brush through your hair like you are in a rush, be soft and gentle.

Also, you need to find the right shampoo, one that will keep your hair soft and healthy. Besides that, make sure you use a conditioner, since it will make all the tangles and knots in your hair much easier to brush through.

This is important because if you don’t use a conditioner the tangles and knots will mean so much more hair fall, and even hair breakage as you brush.

The other major thing to do is to tie your hair back lightly. Do not put your hair up and make the hair band very tight, leave it slightly loose.

The reasoning is because when you go to take out the hair band if you leave it loose it will be less likely to break the hair than if you do it tighter, which means you will have to pull harder on the hair to get it out.

A Lovely Tip For How To Take Care of Your Hair in the Monsoon Season

 It’s that time of year people, yes, the time of the year we both dread and love. The monsoons! One of the main problems is how to take care of your hair during this time, seeing as how it takes longer to dry with such wet weather.

You can try to avoid going out in the rain, but we all know that’s not always possible, as you can get caught in a sudden rain storm. There are a few ways to keep your hair in good condition.

Try to avoid going out when it is raining very heavily as the rain is acidic and not good at all for the hair. This is the easiest way to keep your hair nice and not need to do so much extra work.

If that’s not possible, then cover your hair with something, whether it be a hat, or something else to keep it from getting excessively wet. You can also use your umbrella to make sure you don’t get wet.

Also, make sure that if you do end up getting your hair wet, make sure once you reach home that you wash your hair to make sure the rain water is washed away.

Also, after you wash your hair make sure it is dry. First by wringing out the excess water in a towel, and wrapping the towel around your head and leaving it for a few minutes so it will soak up the excess water.

Then, brush it and either use a blow dryer or let your hair air dry. Try to avoid going out with wet or damp hair as that can cause you to get sick as well. These are simple tips which will help you maintain your hair during the wet, rainy season.

Easy Tips for Maintaining Curly Hair

You have very curly hair, that is wild and you are at the end of your rope with how to deal with it and keep it from having a life of its own? Here’s our set of easy treatment method to deal with your unruly curls!

First of all, find yourself a good shampoo and conditioner, ones that will not weigh down your hair and won’t dry it out too much.

You might also find a leave-in conditioner, if the one you use after washing your hair doesn't do much for you.

Also, find yourself a good brush, one that will be able to brush through the hair and get all the knots and tangles out that I’m sure that you will find.

The harder the bristle the better, try to avoid the softer bristles as they will bend when brushing. Brush your hair directly when you get out of the shower and let it air day, preferably while it’s down.

If you wish to use a hair dryer to dry your hair, use an infuser so that it won’t cause your hair to have a lot of extra volume.

In order to keep the curls from frizzing out, use a light gel or hair pomade. Apply it while you turn your head over and apply it to all of the hair, but not the roots.

Make sure you don’t put too much gel in or your hair will get all hard and crunchy like. Mousse is another good alternative if you don’t like the feeling that gel gives.

Also, make sure that you go to a salon to get your hair cut, make sure you find someone who knows how to cut curly hair properly since it is a bit harder to get it done properly by someone who doesn't know what they are doing.

Avoid using rubber bands and hair bands that have the metal clasps as they have a tendency to catch the hair and break it, using barrettes and bobby pins are the best way to keep your curly hair from running away!

Saturday 24 August 2013

Taking Care of Oily Skin

Oily skin is always a lot more problem than most other skin types. For one, they are way more prone to breakouts and open pores,

they attract more blackheads, whiteheads and other pigmentation problems, and they can be very sensitive.

Also, oily skin tends to make you look like an oil slick if you do not take care of it well. In this article, we would be talking about the way one can actually take care of oily skin easily.

One of the most important things for oily skin is to cleanse it well. However, you must be careful about your selection.
Many people choose a cleanser which really cleans your skin and also takes away all the moisture it has. This is essentially wrong.

If you do that, your skin will be even oilier, because the oil glands will start creating more out of panic in losing so much oil. So choose a cleanser which does not do so.

Use a toner. This is not negotiable. When you have oily skin it is critical to keep your skin’s pH balance maintained properly. Only a toner can do so. Go ahead, and purchase one which will soothe your skin and wipe off excess oil without harming your skin.
Is moisturizing necessary? We say, yes, of course it is! Your skin is oily does not mean you will deprive it of necessary nourishment. Choose a water-based moisturizer, or a moisturizer designed for oily skin to take care of your skin’s problems.
Scrub your skin. It wipes out a lot of your dead skin and gives your skin a chance to breathe. Invest in a good quality scrub, preferably one which would not make your skin oily, and scrub away.

These are simple steps to take care of oily skin. Try them today to see your skin become beautiful.

Tips for Better Skin

If you are thinking of the reasons why your skin is not doing too great, then you might start looking at yourself rather than outside.

There are many reasons why your skin might not be doing too good, and you will have to check with our top five to see where you might be going wrong.

Drink more water – Do you know, drinking less water can really affect your skin? Our skin needs regular hydration, and you might not know this, but a well-hydrated skin is also happy and pleasant to the touch.
Drink more water because it would hydrate your skin better. Typically, a person should have at least 2-4 liters of water a day.

Sunlight can damage your skin – Adequate sunlight is important for Vitamin D buildup in the body, but when you are going out in harsh sunlight, or in tropical countries, please wear sunscreen.
It is very important for the skin to have some protection against UVA and UVB rays, and sunscreen is a good one. Use one which is compatible with your skin.

Eat more vegetables and fruits – Do you know, eating more vegetables and fruits add vitamins and minerals good for your skin? Eat at least 3 servings of fruits and vegetables every day to make sure your skin looks good. Next time you feel hungry, rather than eating meat, eat a salad to make your skin really glow.
Right skincare – Check what your skin type is like. Better yet, go to a dermatologist and find out. Once you do, take care of it. Remember, clean and moisturized skin is healthy skin and make sure your skin gets adequate moisturizers and nutrition, so do not neglect it.

These four tips will make sure you have better skin.

Tips for Caring for Your Dry Skin

If you have dry skin and you don’t know how to take care of it properly, that is a bad thing.

It will lead to all sorts of problems later in life, so here are a few tips of how to care for your dry skin.

You will need an exfoliating scrub, a face pack that is hydrating and moisturizer.

First off, you will need to find a good face was as well. Try to find something that doesn't dry your skin out even more than it already is.

You can either find one on the market or make one.

You will need to wash your face before you can do anything else. Then you should exfoliate using a good face scrub, again you can buy one or you can make one.

You can use just some lemon juice and mix it with sea salt and apply it, scrubbing gently as to avoid scratching the skin, as the salt may be slightly rough. You can also mix lime juice, sea salt and the white yolk of an egg.

This step should be followed by putting on a face mask which will hydrate your skin. You can use a store bought one, or you can make one. The following is a good one you just need to mix a bit of flour, olive oil, and some honey.

When you are done mixing it merely put it on your face and then you can leave it for 20-30 minutes and then wash it off. The last, and one of the most important steps, is to put on a nice light moisturizer. Make sure that the moisturizer doesn't make your skin too oily, or it is not too heavy.

All in all, make sure your skin is well nourished without being too oily.

Homemade Face Masks for Oily Skin

If you have oily skin it can be hard to find a decent face mask that will not leave your skin too oily, but at the same time won’t take away too much of the oil.

If you have tried all of the ones that are on the market, and none work there are quite a few good combinations that can be made using the things you have at home.

For example, you can use honey, lemon juice and flour. Grated cucumber and lemon can be used, and also Aloe Vera gel mixed with tomato pulp.

Once you choose which of these packs you want to use, making sure you take into consideration the smells, mix the ingredients together until you get a slightly thick consistency but not too thick, and not too runny.

You have to make it the right consistency for it to set on your face and work properly. You can use normal flour, chickpea flour, or whole wheat flour if you have it available in your kitchen.

Once you put it on, lie down and do nothing for about 20-30 minutes, or until the mask naturally is absorbed, or hardens up. The Aloe Vera one, for example, is quickly absorbed, and you can layer a bit more on top.

There are quite a few pro’s to a do-it-yourself face mask. It will make your skin glow and give you a radiant look. It will hydrate your skin, and will make your skin soft without robbing it of the natural oils it needs.

You can also make this whenever you feel you need it and you don’t have to go off to the store once you are out of the product, like you would for a packaged one, as most of the ingredients are available at home. And the best part is that it’s really healthy for your skin! It’s also pocket friendly.

Tips to Lighten Your Skin Naturally

Many of us have found our skin to be tanned, darker than it should be, and we want to change it. Tanned skin invites a lot of skin related problems like pigmentation and other such issues, none of which are truly good for it.
Also, many of us feel that we would look good with our skin lightening up slightly. Here are a few ways that can lighten skin naturally, without the harsh side effects.
Lemon-Honey pack – take 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice, and add to it 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour. Mix this well and apply all over the places you want to lighten your skin.
Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, while flour aids in tightening skin and honey nourishes it. This pack is ideal for all skin types.
Split Pea Pack – Take 2 tablespoon of dried split peas and grind them in a coffee grinder till they are a fine powder. Alternately, you can use chick pea flour for this pack. To the powder, add 1 tablespoon milk, a few drops of olive oil, and enough water to make a smooth batter-like paste. Apply and wait for 15 minutes.
Then, rub gently to reveal smooth, glowing skin. Over time, this will naturally lighten your skin. It is an ideal pack for dry to normal skin.
Tomato-Cucumber Pack – This is a fantastic pack for oily skinned beauties, and it is dead simple. Cut away a slice of tomato and a slice of cucumber. Puree them together.
Then, strain it well and cool down the liquid till it is chilled. Using a cotton ball, apply this liquid on your skin. Leave it for 20 minutes before washing. Over time, this is a great skin clearing agent.
These are simple tips that will help lighten your skin naturally and remove tan. Use them and enjoy the benefits of nature.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Nail Art

Nail art is a creative activity that draws pictures or designs fingernails. It a type of art. These days fingernails and toenails are seen by some as important points of beauty.Also, it is a type of fashion activity, related to manicuring.